Kuleba announced this during a briefing on the Crimean Platform, the UP reports.
"I'm announcing the full list of participants at the founding summit of the Crimean Platform. You'll see what titanic diplomatic work has been carried out over the past year and a half. We started with one few-page document, describing the Crimean Platform concept. Of course, there may be changes, but they'll be insignificant, so on August 23, the Crimean Platform founders will be 44 states and international organizations: 14 heads of state, government, and the EU.
At the level of presidents, we welcome Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova, Slovenia, Finland, as well as the President of the European Council. Romania, Georgia, Croatia, and Sweden will be represented at the level of prime ministers. Two states will be represented at the level of heads of parliaments, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. 14 states will be represented at the level of foreign ministers," the minister said.
As Rubryka reported, the opening of the Crimean Platform Summit will take place in Kyiv on August 23.
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