Illustration by Mariya Pilipenko
On August 19, the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center will talk about the contribution of the women's movement to the country's independence. The event will start at 1 pm, will be open to everyone, and will have a discussion format.
The discussion "Women and Independence: What Achievements the Women's Movement Is Proud of" will discuss the challenges that Ukrainian women faced at the beginning of independence and that remain today. In particular, they will talk about the achievements of the women's movement and the goals facing it now.
The speakers of the event will be:
The discussion will be moderated by the executive producer of Radio Kultura Iryna Slavinska.
Coordinator Anastasia Bahalika says that each of the speakers is somehow connected to the beginnings of the women's movement, as well as to the processes taking place in it today.
"We picked up four speakers. Why them? Because we really wanted to show how everything developed and changed, and what achievements the Ukrainian women's movement has. However, we really didn't want to turn this process into a discussion of specific personalities and somehow politicize it by discussing only the political component of the women's movement," Anastasia comments.
The event is organized by the "Women Are 50% of Ukraine's Success" media platform, the campaign against sexism in media and politics, "Respect," and the NGO "Institute for Regional Press Development" with the support of the National Democratic Institute.
For those who will not be able to attend the live discussion, there will be a live broadcast on the Facebook pages "Women Are 50% of Ukraine's Success" and the Ukraine Crisis Media Center.
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