Photo Reuters
Deputy Chairperson of the "Servant of the People" faction Yevhenia Kravchuk announced this.
"The president has already sent a letter to the Verkhovna Rada requesting to convene an extraordinary session and consider the draft law on the Greater Coat of Arms," she stated, RBC-Ukraine reports.
The deputy suggested that at the meeting the draft law proposed by the president would be approved only in the first reading, and not as a whole.
"In the first reading, 226 votes are enough, and in general, it's 300 votes. I think it will be clear closer to the day of the event."
ZN.UA has a letter from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Parliament Speaker Dmytro Razumkov, initiating an extraordinary session of the Rada.
As reported, an extraordinary meeting of the Rada is scheduled for Independence Day. In addition, deputies collected 150 signatures to hold an extraordinary meeting on August 23 dedicated to the Crimean Platform.
It should be noted that the winner of the competition for the best sketch of the Greater Coat of Arms was determined in November 2020. The winning sketch includes the obligatory elements provided by the Constitution: the coat of arms of the Zaporizhzhia Army (Cossack with a musket) and the Princely State Symbol of Volodymyr the Great, a small state coat of arms trident.
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