The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, wrote about this on Twitter.
"Russia again blatantly violates human rights in occupied Crimea. This morning, searches and detentions took place in the homes of Crimean Tatars. These inadmissible persecutions must be stopped immediately, and the people released. The world community must respond appropriately to violations," the President said.
As reported by Rubryka, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmila Denysova said that 5 houses of Crimean Tatars in occupied Crimea were being searched.
The ombudsperson called on the international community to respond to the illegal actions of the occupying authorities and increase pressure on Russia to stop human rights violations in temporarily occupied Crimea.
After the searches, Rustem Murasov, Rustem Tairov, Dzhebbar Bekirov, Zaur Abdullaiev, and Imam Raif Fevziev were detained.
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