The second place is taken by Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Changi in Singapore is third.
The fourth and fifth places were also taken by the representatives of Asia, Incheon in Seoul and Narita in Tokyo.
The top ten, in descending order, also included: Munich, Zurich, London Heathrow, Kansai in Osaka, and Hong Kong Airport.
You can find here the full version of the rating.
And although no Ukrainian airport made it into the top 100, Boryspil ranked fifth in the Eastern Europe regional category.
The first four places were occupied by the airports of Budapest, Bucharest, Tallinn, and Riga.
Boryspil is ahead of competitors from Tbilisi, Belgrade, Bratislava, Zagreb, and Sofia.
The best airport in Africa is Cape Town; Australia's and of the Pacific is Melbourne; Asia, Tokyo Haneda; South Asia and India, Delhi; China, Guangzhou; the Middle East, Hamad in Doha, Europe as a whole, Munich; Russia/CIS, Baku; Nothern America, Vancouver; South America, Quito; Central America, Panama Tocumen; Northern Europe, Helsinki-Vantaa; Southern Europe, Istanbul; Western Europe, Heathrow; Central Europe, Munich.
The ranking was based on a survey of passengers from 100 countries, which for almost a year (from August 2020 to July 2021) rated 500 airports around the world.
Passengers rated airports on the criteria of infrastructure, queues, service, and the attitude of staff to passengers.
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