In Ukraine, large-scale military exercises are underway at 5 training grounds: photo

Command and staff exercises with the Command of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which also involves other military authorities, are underway at five all-military training grounds in Ukraine.

According to the press service of the Joint Forces Operation Command, the largest maneuvers took place at the landfill near Mykolaiv.

Management bodies from the National Guard, the Security Service, the National Police, the State Border Guard Service, the State Emergency Service, and the State Special Transport Service are also involved in the training.

Process-oriented training is conducted in the conditions of the enemy using high-precision means of defeat and means of electronic warfare.

"The exercises are aimed at increasing the operational capabilities of the military authorities in planning and managing operations in various types of combat operations. These are defensive actions, combating airborne troops, sabotage, and reconnaissance groups, conducting territorial defense and supporting aviation groups of land and naval groups," the commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, lieutenant general Serhii Naiev reported.

During the exercises, special attention is paid to overriding the blows of an enemy from the air. In particular, the landing of the enemy's airlifted personnel on operational airfields, the fight against sabotage and reconnaissance groups, and so on.

"During the active phase, fighter, assault, bombing, transport and unmanned aircraft of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are involved in the maneuvers. In addition, the Uragan and Grad multiple rocket launchers, as well as barrel artillery, were used to group the enemy," Lieutenant General Serhii Naiev said.

At the same time, marines and special forces, backed by aircraft and surface forces, worked to strengthen the protection and defense of Zmiinyi Island. Anti-tank units conducted practical direct-fire firing and missile systems at enemy armored targets.

The training will last until August 13.

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