By 2070, part of Ukraine will become a desert

Hydrometeorologist Denys Pyshniak from the National Antarctic Research Center said that there were climate models, predicting such consequences.

The scientist explained in a comment to Rubryka that climate models showed that Ukraine would have much less precipitation, and because the temperature would rise by 1-2 degrees, conditions in the southeast of our country might approach desert-like. According to Denys Pyshniak, a hydrometeorologist at the National Antarctic Research Center, the climate will resemble subtropical in 50 years.

He also added that we could influence these changes if we followed the strategy of achieving carbon neutrality. Under this strategy, countries, which account for more than 65 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and more than 70 percent of the global economy, are committed to zero emissions by the middle of this century.

Ukraine has also committed itself to be carbon-neutral by signing the Paris Agreement. The Ministry of Environmental Protection has calculated that Ukraine will be able to reduce carbon emissions by 65% ​​by 2030. In the most optimistic scenario, according to the hydrometeorologist, the process of climate change in Ukraine can not only slow down but also stop, but to roll back climatic conditions to the pre-industrial period, it takes several hundred years.

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