Kuleba reported this on Facebook.
"Today Andrii Yermak and I are in Washington to prepare for the first official visit of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Washington at the invitation of US President Joseph Biden, which will take place on August 30," he wrote.
According to the minister, meetings are scheduled with US President's National Security Adviser Jacob Sullivan, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, senators, and US analysts.
Kuleba also noted that currently, the President of Ukraine was the second European leader after the German Chancellor to visit the United States at the invitation of Biden.
"The presidents have several big topics to discuss. But whatever they are, there will be no 'turning up the heat' or any blackmail. There will be talks of allies who work together to solve complex problems of security and prosperity of Ukraine, Europe, and the Euro-Atlantic area," Kuleba said.
He also said that it was important for the President to go to the United States in a strong position, immediately after the largest international event in the history of Ukraine: the founding summit of the Crimean Platform, attended by more than three dozen Ukrainian partners, including a high delegation from the United States.
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