“Servant of the People” party insists on checking radiation contamination of Zhytomyr region lands

People's deputies from the "Servant of the People" faction are initiating a comprehensive inspection of radiation-contaminated lands in the communities of the Zhytomyr region.

The party's press service reports.

It is noted that the Zhytomyr region is one of the regions most affected by the Chernobyl accident. Many agricultural lands are classified in the second category of radiation pollution and activities on them are prohibited. Because of this, united territorial communities aren't able to fill their budgets. Although, when communities formed, these lands were taken into account and belonged to the resource part of their future capacity.

Representatives of local communities insist that after the study, the state should identify contaminated areas and prohibit cultivation on them. And the land that can be used should be returned to agricultural use.

"We'll insist that the 2022  budget provide targeted funds for radiation research of the land of communities in the north of the Zhytomyr region. The Ministry of Environment Protection already supports this initiative and is ready to start research together with the State Agency for Exclusion Zone Management and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, "Arsenii Pushkarenko, People's Deputy, head of the Zhytomyr regional branch of the "Servant of the People" party, said.

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