
ATB opens a museum of its history on the occasion of Ukraine’s Independence 30th anniversary

On the occasion of Trade Worker Day and the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence, the ATB network has created its own museum.

Espreso.tv reports.

ATB was opened in Ukraine in 1993. The first stores were called "Kalyna," "Topolia" and "Klen." Then it started with a small market of 80 square meters. And now it's a thousand-strong corporation, known in almost every town in the country, and even abroad.

On the occasion of Trade Worker Day, the ATB network collected all its memories in one room and created a museum. It has a whole story, from the founding of the first store to the rebranding of modern supermarkets.

"We're de facto competing with ourselves. We want to be better than we were yesterday. And that's what all our employees do: from the owners to the staff of the chain stores. We pay attention to corporate culture development and we're constantly learning," Natalia Shapovalova, General Director of ATB-Market LLC, says.

The museum's exposition is divided into four blocks, they symbolize the periods of development of the "ATB" company. Since 2018, ATB in each city has looked not only different but also new services have appeared.

Photo: Informator

"There has been a department of fresh pastries, coffee outlets, ice cream, fresh juices. People like the new format, because these are new more comfortable stores with additional services, wider aisles that create additional convenience for customers," the deputy CEO of LLC "ATB-market" Irina Rumiantseva said.

The "scan-buy" service has also appeared in some stores of the chain. Now buyers may not even use the cashier. After all, you can scan the product and pay for it yourself. And at the exit,  you show the check.

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