The people's deputy from the Servant of the People faction Oleksander Kornienko stated it on the Ukraine 24 channel.
"President will also raise the issue of Nord Stream 2, energy and national security, the involvement of the United States in the Normandy format in one way or another. We'll try to explain how we see the implementation of the Minsk agreements, how we see the peace process. We definitely expect more help from the American people. Of course, these are economic issues, protection of investors," Kornienko said.
The People's Deputy is sure that Ukraine is implementing reforms, but there are problems with some of them.
"I think we have something to brag about here, to report on what has been done in this area over the past two years. And, of course, these are packages of reforms that our colleagues don't tire of reminding us about, and we don't tire of doing them. Reform of corporate governance, which is very important for partners, reform of the Antimonopoly Committee. I think all these issues will be raised at the meeting (in Washington – ed.)," Kornienko said.
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