In the first half of 2021, 4,392 citizens of Ukraine received the Pole's Card, a document confirming their belonging to the Polish people, the Polish Foreign Ministry's press service told Ukrinform.
According to the Polish ministry, since the beginning of issuance of the Pole's Card in 2008, more than 141,000 citizens of Ukraine have received it.
As Ukrinform reported, 7,094 Ukrainian citizens received the Pole's Card in 2020.
The Pole's Card (Karta Polaka) is a document confirming belonging to the Polish nation outside the historical homeland. The Act on the Pole's Card was adopted by the Polish Sejm on September 7, 2007.
Holders of the Pole's Card are entitled to certain benefits in the territory of Poland, including a simplified procedure for obtaining a permanent residence permit in the country, an accelerated procedure for acquiring citizenship. In addition, benefits are provided for admission to universities, travel on public transport, etc.
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