ATB sums up the results of the first half of the year: turnover increased by 20% and 42 new stores

According to the results of the first six months of 2021, ATB Corporation increased its turnover by 20% compared to the same period last year. Thus, it currently amounts to UAH 85.3 billion (including VAT and excise duties) against UAH 70.7 billion in the first half of 2020.

The company's press service reported this.

For the fifth year in a row, the corporation has been showing high growth rates:

  • UAH 80.2 billion (including VAT) in 2017
  • UAH 103.9 billion (including VAT) in 2018
  • UAH 126.8 billion (including VAT) in 2019
  • UAH 149.8 billion (including VAT) in 2020

Accordingly, the amount of taxes and fees to the budgets of different levels is increasing.

The stable growth of turnover results from expanding the company's sales network, which today has 1239 stores, and introducing new technologies, improving production, logistics, and marketing processes, CEO of ATB Corporation Boris Markov says. It's important to note that the Corporation's high development pace is taking place in the global coronavirus epidemic, which has set food market operators the daunting task of maintaining a stable state of social and food security.

This year, ATB Corporation opened 42 new stores and reconstructed 14 more outlets. Currently, the company owns a network of 1,239 stores in 322 settlements in 24 regions of Ukraine.

The ATB Corporation's sales network, in particular in the Western and Southern regions of Ukraine, has been growing for several years in a row based on a long-term strategy developed by the management. Since 2017, ATB stores have been opening in an updated concept, and today one-third of the Corporation's retail network operates in new formats. According to the CEO of ATB-Market Borys Markov, it's a justified investment, because these stores show higher results in all respects, compared to traditional supermarkets.

The Corporation also continues to work on developing and modernizing logistics infrastructure, in particular, by constructing new distribution centers in Ukraine's Western and Southern regions, which will significantly increase freight turnover.

Note. ATB Corporation is an association of large Ukrainian enterprises operating in such areas of business as retail trade, asset management, production and sale of food, provision of services in sports and recreation. ATB Corporation has more than 70,000 employees.

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