Ministry of Health explains the difference between a covid certificate and an international vaccination certificate

There's a difference between a covid certificate and an international vaccination certificate. You can already travel to other countries with an International Vaccination Certificate, but the covid-certificate doesn't have such an opportunity yet.

The director of the electronic health care system development department of the National Health Service, Dmytro Chernysh, made the corresponding explanation.


It's issued to people who've confirmed information about vaccination, disease transmission, or a negative PCR test result. This data is taken from the eHealth electronic healthcare system.

The document can be used both inside Ukraine and for traveling abroad. "But for this, it's necessary to wait for the certificate between Ukraine and other countries to be recognized. The Government of Ukraine is working on this," Chernysh said. Hungary, Greece, Moldova, and Turkey have already agreed to recognize Ukrainian COVID-certificates.

Users who have previously registered for the beta test of the certificate can already get it in the Diia mobile application. In the future, everyone will be able to get a certificate from their family doctor.

International vaccination certificate

It's issued to those who have undergone a full course of vaccination against COVID-19.

The certificate can be used for travel abroad.

It can only be obtained in paper form from your family doctor or any other healthcare facility that is connected to the electronic healthcare system.

This document has already been ratified by both Ukraine and the international community.

As Rubryka reported, on July 1, beta testing of COVID certificates began in Ukraine; people who have already received two doses of the vaccine can join.

On the same day, the COVID-19 Digital Certificate Regulation entered into force in the European Union: it provides EU citizens and residents with the opportunity to move freely throughout the European Union and the Schengen area.

The Ukrainian COVID certificate is planned to be issued in paper form in the fall.

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