Ukraine and Hungary sign an intergovernmental agreement on mutual recognition of educational documents

On Thursday, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and his Hungarian counterpart, Péter Szijjártó, signed an intergovernmental agreement in Kyiv on mutual recognition of educational and scientific documents.

The EP announced this, Rubryka reports.

"We've signed two documents. The first document is an agreement on mutual recognition of documents on education and scientific degrees. Thanks to this agreement, Ukrainian citizens in Hungary and Hungarian citizens in Ukraine will be able to use national educational and scientific documents," Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said.

He thanked colleagues from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and their Hungarian partners for the fact that "this long-suffering agreement was brought to a logical end."

"Today we signed it to make life easier for our citizens," the minister said.

Kuleba stressed that the agreement was an important element in resolving the educational problems that had accumulated with Hungary in recent years.

"We continue to move towards resolving all the key issues with Hungary in our bilateral relations," the minister said.

Péter Szijjártó, for his part, stressed that the signing of the agreement showed that "there are no unsolvable problems, only a lot of work is needed."

Kuleba added that the second signed document was a memorandum of cooperation in the field of diplomatic training.

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