Zelensky’s Office expects concrete legal steps after Germany and the United States’ statement on Nord Stream

The Office of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi considers the statement of the United States and Germany on Nord Stream 2 to be a core one and expects further legal steps to effectively implement the agreements.

Mykhailo Podoliak, a media adviser to the Head of the Office, told Ukrainian News about this.

"In my opinion, we exaggerate the value of the statement itself. Moreover, it turned out to be very predictable, both in terms of the points it contains and in terms of the wording itself. The nature of this statement is indicative, i.e. it will all depend on what specific steps can be taken to ensure that the relevant points are met," he said.

According to him, that's what in communication at all levels.

"We assume that strong political, diplomatic, and, most importantly, legal steps must be taken to develop this statement to ensure the effectiveness of the agreements. For example, if sanctions are imposed, then there must be a clear understanding of how, when, in which cases this procedure will be activated. If there is a reference to the Third Energy Package, then the current EU energy rules should be extended to all gas projects, including Nord Stream-2," he explained.

Podoliak added that the discussion would be continued at the meeting of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and President of the United States Joe Biden, which will take place on August 30 in Washington.

"So the situation is not over yet and the real logistical answers are still being worked out," he said.

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