This was stated by Press Secretary of the President of Ukraine Serhiy Nykyforov.
"We are grateful to them for their commitment to Ukraine's territorial integrity, for their support for sovereignty, for their statements that Russia cannot be allowed to use Nord Stream 2 as a weapon, and that Ukraine must remain a transit party even after the expiration of the current gas transit contract. However, we have not heard the most interesting thing: how exactly the parties will try to ensure this. We have not heard the specifics demanded by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy," Serhiy Nykyforov said.
The spokesman of the President of Ukraine reminded that Joe Biden and Angela Merkel signed a joint declaration in which they promised to protect "the rights and dignity of all people and to oppose injustice and inequality wherever it happens".
"The President of Ukraine hopes that this is exactly what will happen. And that the most powerful country in the world and the most powerful country in Europe will adhere to their declarations, commitments and principles, and do not exchange them for any short-term commercial interests," Serhiy Nykyforov added.
Regarding Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit to the United States, the President's spokesman noted that all agreements are currently being finalized and the date and agenda will be announced shortly.
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