Even more in Ukrainian: language law norms come into force

On July 16, the latest norms of the law on language came into force, stipulating that all concerts, shows, films, and excursions must be conducted in the Ukrainian language.

State Language Protection Commissioner Taras Kremin announced this on Facebook.

From July 16, these events, etc. should be held in Ukrainian:

  • all concerts, shows, cultural, and entertaining events (exceptions are provided only for songs and phonograms, as well as if a creative idea of ​​the organizer requires the use of a non-state language),
  • accompaniment (compering) of entertainment events (speeches of persons who don't speak the state language must be accompanied by simultaneous or consecutive translation),
  • advertisements, posters, booklets, and other information materials about cultural and entertainment events and entrance tickets (duplication in another language is allowed, if the text is not larger in volume and font),
  • all performances in a language other than the state language in state and municipal theaters must be accompanied by a translation into the state language through subtitles, sound translation, or other ways,
  • tourist and excursion services (tourist or excursion services in another language may be provided only to foreigners and stateless persons),
  • screening of films (films made in a foreign language must be dubbed or voiced in the state language, along with the state language there may be audio tracks in other languages). Screening of foreign films in the original language with Ukrainian subtitles is allowed in cinemas if the number of such screenings doesn't exceed 10% of all screenings or are at film festivals,
  • museum tours, art exhibitions (replication in another language is allowed),
  • Publishers must publish at least 50% of all titles of books published during the year in the state language, the share of books in the state language in bookstores must also be at least 50%.

Also, on July 16, registration for the state language proficiency exam begins for persons, obliged to speak and use the state language in the performance of official duties and persons who intend to acquire Ukrainian citizenship.

The first exams will start on July 19 at 9:30.

To recap, the Constitutional court recognized the law on language that corresponds to the Constitution.

Опубліковано автором
Ksenia Omelchenko
Теги: Cinema Language tourism Ukrainian language Кремінь

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