Today, a demonstration to support environmental legislative initiatives to take place near Rada: what they demand

While polluted air kills thousands of people every year, natural ecosystems are destroyed, and state environmental control isn't working properly, a powerful business lobby is slowing down the adoption of necessary environmental draft laws, environmental activists say. Therefore, a group demonstration will be held near the Verkhovna Rada on Thursday at 3:30 pm to remind the people's deputies that they must work in the interests of the people, not oligarchic groups.

Representatives of four public organizations and concerned citizens will bring a chimney with smoke to the Verkhovna Rada to illustrate the consequences of their inaction, Rubryka reports.

Today, the Verkhovna Rada will vote on three important draft laws designed to carry out the first systemic institutional reform of state environmental control in the history of Ukraine, reduce emissions from polluting enterprises, and create an Emerald Network of Protected Areas. Two of the three drafts have already been considered by the Rada, but then the voice of the public wasn't heard because of a powerful business lobby. This time we have to sound even louder so that everyone can finally adopt them.

  • What will the draft law №3091 "On state environmental control" change?

Legislation on environmental control hasn't been revised for 30 years. Therefore, control over the state of the environment is currently ineffective, and the State Ecoinspection is unable to perform its function and protect the rights of citizens to a clean environment. Draft Law №3091 regulates the system of state environmental control, creates conditions for its effective functioning, establishes liability to avoid abuse of power. In general, it should create the right conditions to control all sectors that affect air, water, soil, and other pollution. This draft law is already 5 years in development at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources and lawyers of public interest. On February 19, 2021, deputies voted for a second reading.

  • What will the draft law №4167 "On reduction of industrial pollution" change?

Draft Law №4167 requires companies to reduce emissions of pollutants, gives enough time for modernization (about 13 years) according to European standards. Now, instead of three separate environmental permits, companies will receive one, which will include the entire impact of the company on the environment. And violating its conditions, which will pose a danger to the environment or public health, will be punished more severely; the polluter will not just pay a fine but will be forced to suspend harmful activities. In addition, systemic monitoring of air emissions will finally appear directly at each source, and the data will be available to everyone online.

  • What will the draft law №4461 "On the Emerald Network" change?

The Emerald Network is a network of protected areas of European importance, created to implement the provisions of the Berne Convention for the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, as well as to implement the Birds and Habitats Directives. The territories to be included will be subject to special protection and supervision, which will help to avoid irrational management and destruction of natural ecosystems, as well as to preserve species and their habitats.

Organizers of the demonstration: NGO "Ukrainian Environmental Group," NGO "Ecodiia," ICO "Ecology—Law—Human," NGO "SaveDnipro"

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