Photo OPU
The Office of the President reports.
The document, initiated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi, provides for concrete steps to ensure the independence of the judiciary, namely by resetting one of the main judicial authorities, the Supreme Council of Justice, which is responsible for the selection and dismissal of judges.
In his election program, Volodymyr Zelenskyi stressed the need for changes in the judiciary and promised judicial reform.
"This is without exaggeration a historic event for Ukraine. Over the years of our state's independence, no government has carried out real judicial reform, feeding on promises in vain. My goal is to restore trust and respect for the court. The servants of Themis will cease to be servants of the President, government, parliament, or local authorities," President said.
The implementation of judicial reform in Ukraine took into account the recommendations of experts from the Venice Commission, who provided their opinion on the draft law.
The head of state stressed that justice was one of the basic values of Ukrainians, but it couldn't be ensured without an independent judiciary. In addition, domestic and foreign investors need a fair trial. The vote for the reform of the Supreme Council of Justice laid the necessary foundation for effective changes in the judiciary.
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