According to the EP, this is stated in a statement by the EU Delegation to Ukraine.
"Draft Law #5431, in the 1st reading by the Verkhovna Rafa today, is a real chance to align Ukraine's competition framework with Association Agreement. Developed with support from the EU and the US, it can become a true step forward for a fairer, stronger Ukrainian economy that is integrated with the EU," the statement says.
The parliament has already stated that the draft law №431 if adopted in the first reading, will be significantly finalized by the second reading.
"We should understand that this is the first reading, the adjustments of various committees will be taken into account. In particular, the anti-corruption commission said it sees corruption risks. By the second reading, all these risks are eliminated," the first deputy chairperson of the Servant of the People faction, one of the authors of the draft law Oleksandr Kornienko, said.
The "Nashi Hroshi" publication notes that Draft Law 5431 is recognized as corrupt by National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption.
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