The newly appointed presidential press secretary, Serhiy Nykyforov, said this at a briefing on Friday, July 9, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.
"Andriy Yermak and Ms. Victoria Nuland discussed the situation in Belarus and expressed concern about what is happening there now. They also discussed some security issues related to Russia's West-2021 exercises and moved on to the topic of Ukraine," he said.
He specified that Yermak and Nuland had talked about the progress that Ukraine has made over the past two weeks.
"This applies to documents on the HQCJ [High Qualifications Commission of Judges], the HCJ [High Council of Justice], the law on corporate governance, the law on the SBU. It is clear that all these documents are at different stages of adoption, but the work on them continues. The situation in Naftogaz was also discussed," Nykyforov said.
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