This is stated in the report on the environmental pollution state in Ukraine by the Sreznevskyi Central Geophysical Observatory, which analyzed the 39 largest industrial cities in the country.
Thus, Horishni Plavni took first place with an indicator of 1.9 (it considers the air pollution degree under the five priority pollutants).
Pollution levels above 14 are considered very high.
In total, according to the 2020 results, the API indicator (air pollution index) in Ukraine decreased from 8.2 to 7.0, compared to 2019. This happened due to the average annual decline in formaldehyde, phenol, and hydrogen fluoride, as well as the decline in industrial production during the coronavirus pandemic.
Sreznevskyi Research Central Geophysical Observatory conducted a study in 39 cities at 129 stationary posts of the monitoring network of hydrometeorological organizations. 22 pollutants, including eight heavy metals, were found in the air.
Knowledge is power! Today, knowing how polluted the air we breathe is just as important as knowing the weather outside. There are several resources that provide information on the level of air pollution. These are open sources available to anyone:
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