Ukrzaliznytsia launches first inclusive electric train

Ukrzaliznytsia has completed the modernization of a suburban train and made it inclusive; it's the first train in Ukraine that is adapted for the travel of people with disabilities.

The company's press service reports.

"We're gradually making Ukrzaliznytsia inclusive. After all, all people should have equal opportunities when traveling by train, including suburban routes. This train will be an example for further work on modernizing suburban rolling stock," Acting Chairperson of the UZ Board Ivan Yuryk said.

According to him, all the work was carried out in constant consultations with Valerii Sushkevych and representatives of the All-Ukrainian public association "National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine."

UZ added that the new electric train had cars equipped for access for people with disabilities, with seats for people in wheelchairs, ramps, call buttons of the train crew, and all signs in Braille.

The train also replaced several systems and interior details. Among the main ones are bicycle bracings.

"Soon, we'll determine on which route the new train will run. The Kyiv-Bila Tserkva route and regional connections are being considered," the press service said in a comment to Interfax-Ukraine.

The company spent UAH 70.6 million on the modernization of this train, in particular, almost UAH 2.2 million on introducing inclusiveness. All works were carried out at their facilities, at the Kyiv Electric Car Repair Plant.

"By the end of 2021, we plan to overhaul 6 more trains. The funds for this, about UAH 300 million, are provided in the company's financial plan," Yuryk said.

In addition, as Yuryk stated, UZ will purchase 37 passenger cars, adapted for the transportation of people in wheelchairs.

"The purchase of these cars is carried out at the expense of funds that were allocated to the company from the state budget for the first time this year," UZ explained.

According to Yuryk, out of one hundred passenger cars that will be delivered to the company within two years, 37 will be adapted to transport people in wheelchairs.

"We're increasing the number of long-distance carriages for people with limited mobility. In addition, we continue to increase the inclusiveness of railway stations," he said.

At the expense of Ukraine's state budget, they will purchase 20 passenger compartment sleeping cars equipped for passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs and 17 compartment cars equipped for passengers with disabilities in the wheelchair and the compartment of the train chief.

Also, according to Ukrzaliznytsia's inclusiveness program, the company will allocate more than 74 million UAH for the construction of railway facilities during 2020-2023. In particular, it means the adaptation of stations and stopping platforms for people with disabilities, the purchase of lifting platforms and wheelchairs, etc.

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