Zelenskyi believes the US can influence Russia to end the war in Ukraine

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi supports the expansion of the Normandy format or the creation of another platform for resolving the situation in eastern Ukraine and involving influential world power countries.

However, the number of formats don't affect their quality, Russia must end the war, the head of state said during a joint press conference with Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda in Vilnius, Ukrinform reports.

"If we see a slowdown in the Normandy format, I said it openly, I think there's a slowdown. That's why I advocated for countries, powerful countries, powerful geopolitical players to join, who can influence the Russian Federation first, which means the end of the war in Ukraine. Therefore, I advocated for the expansion of the Normandy format. Indeed, it may be a different format, so as not to break, so to speak, the agreements within the Normandy format, it may be another parallel format, but I think the quality doesn't change due to the number of formats," said Zelenskyi.

President stressed that if Russia "is forced by our joint efforts and partners, or agrees through our joint diplomatic work and still wants to end the war, it will end, regardless of the number of added states and the number of formats."

At the same time, the head of state noted that he'd like "US power to help Ukraine complete this tragedy in the heart of Europe in the 21st century."

To recap, Zelenskyi is on a visit to the Republic of Lithuania on July 6-7.

As reported by Rubryka, within a working visit to Lithuania, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nauseda met today.

After the meeting, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said that Ukraine needed to be provided clear plans for its membership in the European Union and NATO.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi confirmed that Ukraine wanted to receive an exhaustive list of reforms, by implementing them, Ukraine will move to the next stage of integration with NATO.

Also in Lithuania, the foreign ministers of the Lublin Triangle countries – Ukraine, Lithuania, and Poland – signed three joint documents, including the one on support for Ukraine's membership in the EU and NATO.

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