NATO-Ukraine Commission meeting to take place this week

A meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission will take place this week.

"I want to tell you that in two days we will have a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, who as a member of the Trilateral Contact Group, a member of the National Security and Defense Council, the Deputy Prime Minister will provide accurate information to the member states about what is happening in certain regions of the temporarily occupied territories," Acting Head of Ukraine's Mission to NATO Heorhiy Tolkachov said at the All-Ukrainian Forum "Ukraine 30. International Relations", an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

The diplomat also denied allegations that Ukraine did not use all opportunities to fulfill the status of a NATO Enhanced Opportunities Partner.

"This status provides for the interaction in very sensitive areas, and it is not always public, but as a person who sees it from the inside, I can assure you that it is being fulfilled," he said.

As reported, the extraordinary meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission was held in Brussels in April, convened at the request of Ukraine in accordance with Article 15 of the Charter on Distinctive Partnership between Ukraine and NATO.

NATO allies and Ukraine considered Russia's military activity, which was then intensifying in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and along the border.

Article 15 of the Charter on Distinctive Partnership between Ukraine and NATO provides for the possibility to develop a crisis consultative mechanism to consult together whenever Ukraine perceives a direct threat to its territorial integrity, political independence, or security.

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