“Symbol of the region’s revival”: “Servant of the People” party in Zhytomyr explained international airport development plans

A conference of the Servant of the People party's regional organization took place at Zhytomyr Airport.

The press service of the political party reported this.

"The place for the conference was chosen not by chance. Zhytomyr Airport is a symbol of the Zhytomyr region's revival. This week it received international status, tenders for the runway reconstruction were announced. It's only the first step," Arsenii Pushkarenko, a People's Deputy of Ukraine and Chairperson of the Zhytomyr branch of the Servant of the People party, said.

The conference was attended by Oleksandr Kornienko, Chairperson of the Servant of the People Party, Oleksandr Kubrakov, Minister of Infrastructure, Vitalii Bunechko, Chairperson of the Zhytomyr Regional State Administration, Volodymyr Fedorenko, Chairperson of the Regional Council, Serhii Sukhomlyn, Mayor of Zhytomyr, People's Deputies of Ukraine, Servant of the People Faction and more than 100 delegates all communities of the Zhytomyr region.

Minister of Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov called Zhytomyr Airport, being provided with an international status, a crucial event. 

"This very important event will mean that regular international flights can be operated here in a year," the minister said.

According to him, the runway still needs to be reconstructed and extended, which requires significant funding.

"The airport is on the balance of the Zhytomyr City Council, and we'll provide the necessary subvention from the state because city communities can't finance such large infrastructure projects on their own," Kubrakov said.

In addition, according to him, the electrification of the Zhytomyr-Novohrad-Volynskyi section will begin. Because of its absence, high-speed trains bypass Zhytomyr, but after completing the works, they'll be able to stop in the city.

Thus, the Zhytomyr region will become a large logistics center with an international route, a full-fledged railway connection, and an airport.

"We want to build an attractive country, where investors, tourists, our citizens who've gone abroad would come. And we want to build both at the level of the country, and at the level of each territorial community to make not only entering the country attractive but also the region, the regional center, every village. We're doing a lot for this," Oleksandr Kornienko, Chairperson of the Servant of the People party, said.

The main priority of the Servant of the People team is the development of the country and large-scale reforms. First, it is the creation of new infrastructure in the broadest sense. Among the priorities, they have judicial reform, education and health care, development of self-government, decentralization, and democracy.

"I'm deeply certain that after our team, our joint work from the President to local deputies, there'll be dozens of hospitals and clinics, hundreds of schools and kindergartens, thousands of kilometers of roads. And it will be the greatest result of our work," Arsenii Pushkarenko said.

Oleksandr Kornienko also called on citizens to be more active and get involved in the political process not only during the election period. After all, the vector of the country's development depends on the activity of each citizen. To involve citizens in working on and discussing reforms, party offices will be established throughout Ukraine: in districts, cities, and communities.

The Servant of the People is a party in power that has received an unprecedented level of trust from the people. First in the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2019, later, in 2020, in local elections. Therefore, the "Servant of the People" team, despite the fierce opposition and pressure from opponents, feels responsible for what is happening in the country. "We have no right to make a mistake, because people believe in us and put their hopes in us," Arsenii Pushkarenko said.

To recap, on June 30, the Cabinet of Ministers gave the international status to the Zhytomyr Airport with 24/7 working hours.

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