Ukraine introduces quarantine changes due to Delta variant spread

A resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on changes to quarantine regulations to combat the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19 comes into force on July 2.

From now on, to cross the state border, foreigners (except for those who have a permanent residence permit in Ukraine) and stateless persons over 12 years of age who have arrived from the Republic of India, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Russian Federation, and the Portuguese Republic, or have been on their territory for at least seven days within the last 14 days are obliged to undergo a rapid test to determine the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus antigen right at checkpoints. In case of a negative result, they will be allowed to enter Ukraine.

In the absence of such a result or refusal to test, a border guard refuses such a person to cross the state border in accordance with Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine "On Border Control".

Citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in Ukraine (except for those under 12 years of age) who have arrived in Ukraine from the Republic of India, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Russian Federation, and the Portuguese Republic, or have been on their territory at least seven days within the last 14 days also undergo a rapid test to determine the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus antigen right at checkpoints. In case of a positive result, they are subject to mandatory self-isolation or observation.

The National Police officers accompany the persons subject to observation from the border control zone to the sanitary zone for their further transportation to observation sites or health facilities for their hospitalization.

Sanitary zones are arranged outside the territory of international border crossing points (checkpoints).

The list of countries will be reviewed and updated depending on the epidemic situation.

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