Interfax-Ukraine reports.
"Points about 'external management' are a pure propaganda mantra for the domestic consumer in Russia. Because in the real world all questions concerning Ukraine are solved exclusively in Ukraine and by the Ukrainian state, and certainly not in any neighboring country and certainly not by 'shadow intermediaries' who are currently under house arrest or wanted," Zelenskyi said.
According to Zelenskyi, it is necessary to evaluate the facts, because they're always more eloquent than any statements. He added that in particular, the recent US-Russia summit showed that the issue of Ukraine couldn't be resolved even in the format of direct communication between the American and Russian presidents, "as it was… almost always."
President stressed that today everything worked differently: there were "consultations with Ukraine before the Summit and public announcement of the position agreed with us," which "clearly indicates that our state's subjectivity has significantly increased."
He also added that on July 12 he would meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. And at the end of July, there will be direct talks with US President Joe Biden.
Zelenskyi said he was ready to meet with President Putin, "if he's really interested in resolving a number of crisis issues that objectively exist in bilateral relations between Ukraine and Russia."
He noted that he wasn't bothered by Putin's saying "what's the point of talking to Zelenskyi if everything is decided in Washington," because it looks as if Zelenskyi, for instance, said: "Why do Russians need elections and democracy if everything is decided exclusively in the Kremlin?"
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