UBR reports.
Now the working conditions for Ukrainian partners are changing; none of the major partners in Ukraine will be able to transport "gray" goods. Now Apple will control not only the import but also the quality of consultations provided in the stores of official resellers.
Prior to opening the office, large retail chains had the right to import certain volumes of Apple products, and they interacted with the distributor Asbis to settle with the corporation. Asbis-Ukraine CEO Vitalii Melnychenko stated the distributor will continue to deal with Apple products.
Soon, Apple may open a branded retail network in Ukraine. There's also a possibility of the company's previously unavailable services in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov commented on the opening of the representative office.
"Today, Apple officially opened an office in Ukraine. Now the company will directly import equipment in Ukraine and control the stores of official dealers. This is important news. Opening an Apple office will strengthen our image in the international arena and attract new investment in the long run," Fedorov said.
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