The lowest incidence rate in the last year: 182 new COVID-19 cases recorded in Ukraine per day

As of June 28, 2021, 182 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease were recorded in Ukraine (including 10 children and 3 medical workers).

This is evidenced by data from the Ministry of Health as of the morning of Tuesday, June 29.

This is the lowest incidence of COVID-19 in Ukraine in the last year.

Also, over the last day:
◾️ 322 people were hospitalized;
◾️ 5 fatal cases;
◾️ 582 people recovered;

Tested per day:
◾️ by PCR–10,930 people,
◾️ by EIA–1,463 people,
◾️ rapid tests–4,282 people.

Over the entire pandemic in Ukraine:
◾️ 2,234,463 people fell ill;
◾️ 2,164,374 people recovered;
◾️52,300 fatalities;
◾️ 10,817,822 PCR tests were performed.

Over the last 24 hours, the largest number of confirmed cases was registered in Kyiv City (77), Zaporizhzhia (16), Mykolaiv (15), Kyiv (14), and Dnipropetrovsk (8) regions.

The number of cases in the regions per day:

  • Kyiv City–77 cases;
  • Vinnytsia region–2 cases;
  • Volyn region–4 cases;
  • Dnipropetrovsk region–8 cases;
  • Zhytomyr region–2 cases;
  • Zaporizhzhia region–16 cases;
  • Kyiv region–14 cases;
  • Kirovohrad region–1 case;
  • Luhansk region–1 case;
  • Lviv region–5 cases;
  • Mykolaiv region–15 cases;
  • Odesa region–8 cases;
  • Poltava region–3 cases;
  • Rivne region–7 cases;
  • Sumy region–6 cases;
  • Kharkiv region–5 cases;
  • Kherson region–2 cases;
  • Cherkasy region–2 cases;
  • Chernivtsi region–3 cases;
  • Chernihiv region–1 case.

Data from the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk regions, and the city of Sevastopol are missing.

Ukraine has an adaptive quarantine, the country is divided into zones.

There are no regions left in the red, orange and yellow zones. All regions are in the green zone.

Coronavirus in the world

As of Tuesday morning, more than 182 million people in the world became ill with COVID-19. This was reported by Worldometers.

A total of 182,192,485 people have been infected with COVID-19 worldwide, of whom 166,747,882 have recovered. The death toll rose to 3,945,316.

The countries with the highest prevalence of coronavirus are the United States (34,511,636), India (30,316,000), Brazil (18,448,402), France (5,770,530), Russia (5,472,941), Turkey (5,414,310), the United Kingdom (4,755,078) and Argentina (4,423,6).

The highest number of deaths among the world countries was recorded in the USA (619,595), Brazil (514,202), and India (397,668).

COVID-19 respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was first recorded in the Chinese province of Hubei, in late 2019. Since then, infection with the virus has been recorded in 188 countries, including Ukraine. The World Health Organization has recognized the spread of the disease as a pandemic since March 11 last year.

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