Ukrainian experts are considering a combination of covid vaccines – Kuzin

The National Technical Group of Immunization Experts will consider the combination of different COVID-19 vaccines.

Deputy Minister of Health, Chief State Sanitary Doctor Ihor Kuzin stated this in an interview with Liga Life, Ukrinform reports.

"The National Technical Group of Immunization Experts is currently evaluating the research results. It has already worked on this issue and concluded that there's not enough data with a high level of evidence in favor of combining different vaccine platforms. But there are more and more such studies. The Group will consider this issue again on June 30, given the data that is constantly updated," Kuzin said.

The chief medical officer noted that scientific studies showed that some combinations of the first and second doses of vaccines led to greater immunogenicity than one type of vaccine.

Therefore, according to him, the probability that a combination of vaccines from different manufacturers during COVID-19 vaccination will be allowed is very high. At the same time, Kuzin noted that this issue was difficult from the point of view of logistics.

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