European Council supported the signing of a Common Aviation Area agreement with Ukraine

The EU Council agreed to sign a Common Aviation Area (CAP) agreement with Ukraine, Armenia, Tunisia, and Qatar.

This was published on the website of the European Council, Rubryka reports.

"Today, the Council agreed to sign three neighboring aviation agreements with Ukraine, Armenia, and Tunisia, as well as an air transport agreement with Qatar. These agreements will open the air transport market and provide new opportunities for operators and customers… They will promote trade, tourism, investment, economic and social development," the statement said.

It is noted that the decisions on Ukraine, Armenia, and Qatar allow applying this agreement on a temporary basis until the completion of the procedures necessary for its entry into force.

The agreements are expected to be signed in autumn 2021. After that, each agreement must be ratified by each member state, the EU, and a third party.


The European Common Aviation Area (CAP) is a bilateral agreement between the EU and third countries that sets common safety standards and liberalizes market relations in aviation, allowing more efficient and safer use of airspace.

Negotiations on the CAP with Ukraine were completed in 2013, but the signing of the agreement was blocked due to a conflict between the UK and Spain over the status of Gibraltar airport.

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