
MFA: German, French ambassadors say no one supports idea of resuming EU-Russia summits

The ambassadors of Germany and France to Ukraine have been invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to discuss the initiative to resume EU-Russia summits.

"The Ukrainian side has stressed that such an initiative runs counter to the EU sanctions policy adopted in response to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, undermines European solidarity against the background of Russia's escalation of the situation in the temporarily occupied territories and at borders of Ukraine, and does not encourage Moscow to implement the Minsk agreements. In response, the ambassadors noted that this was just an idea for discussion in the context of considering the EU strategy towards Russia at the European Council meeting on June 24. This proposal was ultimately not supported," the Ukrainian MFA said in a commentary.

For their part, the ambassadors confirmed that Germany and France are constant friends of Ukraine and continue to make efforts to restore the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state.

"The parties agreed that such issues will be discussed with Ukraine before their promulgation," the report says.

As Ukrinform reported, on June 25, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would discuss with the ambassadors of Germany and France the idea of resuming summits between the European Union and Russia.

During a meeting with EU High Representative Josep Borrell on Thursday, June 24, Kuleba expressed deep concern over the idea of resuming EU-Russia summits. According to the minister, such a decision without any progress on the part of Moscow in the field of compliance with international law can only undermine the EU's non-recognition policy of the illegal annexation of Crimea and the effectiveness of sanctions, as well as push Russia to non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements.

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