Rubryka's correspondent reports.
It became known on the Summit's sidelines that discussing the "Ukrainian issue" was possible.
Official delegations also settled in the center of Bari at the Palace Hotel Bari.
The city center is closed. Italian police surround the perimeter:
Official events will begin at 19:00 in Svevo Castle with greetings from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations of Italy, Luigi Di Maio, to the heads of delegations of foreign ministers.
The growing complexity of global challenges requires an effective and coordinated management and response system.
Amid this, the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting aims to provide an opportunity for a substantial and informal discussion on the role of foreign policy in addressing key challenges on the international agenda.
The Foreign Ministers' meeting will focus on global governance and multilateralism as a key tool to address key global challenges and promote sustainable recovery.
The international response to COVID has indeed confirmed the importance of a common approach at the international level, as opposed to formulating "national" interventions.
Discussions will focus on the need to strengthen international cooperation (and relevant multilateral institutions) in key areas such as global health, sustainable development, climate change, and international trade.
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У Головному управлінні розвідки презентували тематичний фільм "Війна за розум" про діяльність підрозділу стратегічних комунікацій… Читати більше
Міністерство охорони здоровʼя планує зобовʼязати аптеки з наявного асортименту пропонувати клієнтам в першу чергу найдешевший… Читати більше
У Сумах на місці прильоту російського "Шахеда" по багатоповерхівці завершили аварійно-рятувальні роботи. Дев’ятеро людей загинули,… Читати більше
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