The relevant decree №68/2021 is posted on the President's website, Rubryka reports.
Control over implementing the decision of the National Security and Defense Council, enacted by this decree, is entrusted to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksii Danilov.
The decree comes into force from its publication.
On June 4, the National Security and Defense Council, considering the situation in Ukraine's aircraft industry, and to ensure national security, aircraft industry operation, the concentration of intellectual, technological, economic potential, and human resources, improving their use, entry of Ukrainian aircraft into international markets, considering the need to strengthen the role of national enterprises in the tasks of providing security and defense forces with new and modernized aircraft, instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to update the action plan for implementing the Strategy for the revival of domestic aircraft until 2030 within a month, approved by government decree of 10 May 2018 № 429-r, to secure:
Within a month, the Cabinet of Ministers is also instructed to approve:
In addition, within a month, the government has to work on:
The government should also ensure the preparation of draft legislation to support the aircraft industry, in particular, aimed at:
The Cabinet of Ministers is also instructed to accelerate the implementation of the corporate governance model by corporatizing state-owned enterprises in Ukraine's aircraft industry.
The Ministry of Defense should consider including tasks to upgrade the fleet of MoD aircraft and helicopters in the State Targeted Defense Program for armaments and military equipment development, including combat aircraft, helicopters, multi-purpose unmanned aerial vehicles, military transport aircraft An-74 and An-178.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the Ministry of Strategic Industries is entrusted with:
The Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine together with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine should take measures to:
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