Ukraine has already fulfilled more than half of EU Association Agreement obligations

Ukraine's overall progress in implementing the Association Agreement with the European Union is 54%.

Acting Deputy Director-General of the Office for Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Maryna Nelina stated this, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"According to the results of the reporting period, it's been five years, Agreement Pulse has calculated the total percentage of progress, which is 54%. This is a splendid figure. Because we're talking about more than half of the commitments made today," Nelina said.

It is noted that the greatest progress has been made in entrepreneurship (81%), public procurement (83%), humanitarian policy (84%), technical barriers to trade (85%), justice, freedom, security, human rights (85%) and political dialogue, national security and defense (89%).

At the same time, the worst situation is observed in the areas of financial cooperation and anti-fraud (24%), transport, transport infrastructure, postal and courier services (35%), and the financial sector (36%).

According to Rubryka, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that Ukraine expected to launch a comprehensive review of the goals of the Association Agreement with the European Union to deepen sectoral integration in 2021. He expressed hope that both the European Parliament and the relevant committee would "provide strong support."

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