Minister stated this in an interview with the Turkish agency Anadolu on the sidelines of the Antalya Diplomatic Forum.
"Back in 2008, the Alliance made it very clear in Bucharest that Ukraine and Georgia would become NATO members. At the same summit, the leaders instructed their foreign ministers to consider providing both countries with membership action plans. Since 2008, if you ask me what NATO has done to achieve this, to implement this decision, I'll answer honestly: nothing. Since 2008, NATO has taken no step to implement this decision," Kuleba said.
Kuleba also asked NATO to give Ukraine a clear list of reforms needed for membership.
"When we talk about reforms, it can be an endless story. So, my question to NATO is: how many reforms do you want? Give us a clear list. Because the more reforms we carry out, the more expectations we have of you," the minister said.
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