"We have started cooperation with partners from Canada. Currently, the economic justification for the establishment of an ammunition factory in Ukraine is being drafted at investor's expense. This is only the first stage, but we are interested in attracting investments and technologies to strengthen the defense industry in the country," Director General of Ukroboronprom Yuri Husev said during the opening of the XVII International Specialized Exhibition "Weapons and Security 2021" and the XII International Aviation and Space Salon "Aviasvit – XXI".
Also, according to Husev, the talks with high-tech global companies, which are also interested in deepening cooperation with Ukraine, were held in France the day before.
In particular, working groups have already been set up which, together with NATO partners, work on joint projects to develop Ukraine's defense and industrial potential.
"We are interested in in-depth cooperation with our partners. This concerns joint projects, programs, and, of course, the corporatization of Ukroboronprom's reform which will allow us to ensure technology transfer and set up joint ventures for equipment modernization in a transparent manner," Husev added.
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