Agreement on “industrial visa-free access ” with EU can be signed by the end of the year – Ministry of Economy

By the end of the year, an agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACCA), or "industrial visa waiver," can be signed between Ukraine and the European Union.

Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade Representative of Ukraine Taras Kachka stated this during the panel "Made in Ukraine in global markets," the Government portal reports.

Kachka noted that Ukraine already had a positive evaluation of the first stage of assessing the Ukrainian quality infrastructure. In September, the second stage of metrology evaluation will begin, i.e. the implementation of the analyzed Ukrainian legislation.

"I hope that by the end of the year we'll come to the signing of the ACCA Agreement. The major effect will be one thing: this is the largest investment in trust in Ukrainian producers," the trade representative said.

The ACAA agreement recognizes the equivalence of the technical regulation and conformity assessment system to the European one, which would allow industrial producers to obtain the necessary certificates in Ukraine and not go to the EU in search of an official representative (EU resident) who can obtain this certificate.

To recap, the next stage of preparation for an agreement on "industrial visa-free waiver" between Ukraine and the EU will begin in September.

According to the first report of the EU mission's experts, the Ukrainian legal base is in high compliance with the EU base, and this stage is important on the way to concluding an "industrial visa-free regime."

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