Фото: Рубрика
In particular, in addition to the central bilateral meeting between Putin and Biden, several other side events will be held. They will take place behind closed doors and will be open for participation for people only with special invitations.
Photo: Rubryka
Today at 19:30, a press conference will be held by Vice President of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis, where he will talk about the details of the negotiations and reveal the agenda for tomorrow's meeting.
The arrival of the US President is expected at 4:15 pm on Tuesday.
The InterContinental, where Biden plans to stay, has already displayed the US flag. The entrance to the hotel is completely blocked from a distance of 300 meters.
It also became known that Biden will hold a series of meetings with the Swiss leadership today.
The negotiations between Biden and Putin will consist of three separate blocks. As Putin's aide Ushakov said: "All topics will be discussed at the Summit."
Photo: Rubryka
Also, according to the insider information, a meeting of representatives of Russian and American business will take place tonight, where the concept of future cooperation will be considered. The meeting is scheduled at the Ritz Carlton Hotel located on the shores of Lake Geneva.
The Geneva police handed out notes to all accredited participants of the summit on which parts of the city will be blocked.
Many accreditations were canceled because some journalists turned out to be "fake."
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