Widget will notify about air quality in Kyiv and Lviv

The Air NOW app is available for iPhone smartphones

Residents of Lviv and Kyiv will be able to monitor air quality using a special iOS widget. The Air NOW widget from the LUN City Air team informs about the concentration of harmful fine dust outside the window in real-time.

The widget is easy to use: if the air is clean, the widget on the phone screen is green; if acceptable, yellow; if unhealthy for sensitive people, orange; unhealthy for everybody, red.

The widget is available in two sizes, small and medium. Before starting the application, you need to give access to the location, so it'll report the indicators relevant to your location and change them when moving around the city. The data is updated automatically.

The iPhone widget will inform you about air quality in Ukrainian, English, or Russian, depending on the interface language.

To install the widget on iPhone, you need to: download the Air NOW application, hold your finger on the screen, click the cross in the upper corner, select the desired widget. You can download the free iPhone app in the AppStore.

Data for the widget is provided by the LUN City Air monitoring system, which has more than 80 stations in the Kyiv agglomeration and about 20 in Lviv. All stations are calibrated in the laboratory.

You can also check the air quality in Kyiv:

You can check the air quality in Lviv:

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