This was stated in a comment by the President's Office to Ukrainska Pravda, Rubryka reports.
"The Ukrainian state respects the principles that guide the activities of international sports organizations such as UEFA, and the decisions they must make with no political influence or interference.
Our footballers on the European fields will try to glorify their country. That's why the slogan 'Glory to Ukraine!' on the national team's uniform is perfectly valid and cannot cause any reservations.
And when every Ukrainian, who's a true patriot of his homeland, hears 'Glory to Ukraine!' then he or she already has a slogan-answer 'Glory to Heroes!' These phrases are written in the soul of every Ukrainian," the President's Office said.
As reported by Rubryka, UEFA has obliged Ukraine to make changes to the uniform of the national football team before the start of the European Championship. This decision was made in response to a request from the Russian Football Union.
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