“Words don’t matter”: Zelenskyi comments on his Office correcting Biden’s point on NATO MAP for Ukraine

After the Office of the President removed the point about Joe Biden's support for providing our state with MAP from the press release as a result of the conversation between the American and Ukrainian presidents, Volodymyr Zelenskyi stated it wasn't words but actions that were important.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi stated this in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda.

"Yesterday I had a wonderful conversation with President Biden. Clear, substantive, effective. I'm very pleased with the results of the conversation and the prospects for further confidential personal communication. Joe Biden literally assured me of full and unconditional support for Ukraine," Volodymyr Zelenskyi said.

He stressed that the countries had a "comprehensive bilateral agenda" which would be discussed in detail in July at a personal meeting at the White House.

"We have many important issues to discuss: security, territorial integrity, economy, energy, direct investment, technology, defense cooperation," he added.

Zelenskyi spoke separately about the words about the NATO MAP, which were removed from the OPU press release.

"Words aren't important, but real actions are important. Whether Ukraine finally receives a MAP or not is a matter of willingness of the Alliance. If it gets it, then they really see us there. If it doesn't get it, it's also a very specific answer," he said. 

In his opinion, the most effective reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is much more important, because "only this is a guarantee of peace in our country and a guarantee of protection of every Ukrainian."

Earlier it was reported that Zelenskyi's statement was edited based on the results of the conversation with Biden.

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