The press service of the President's Office reported this.
"500. That's how many bags Ukrainian uses per year. 20 minutes is how much time, on average, we use a bag. Over 100 years is how much time one bag decomposes. A few seconds is how long it takes to sign this law," the head of state stated during a speech at the forum.
The document regulates the circulation of plastic bags and aims to stimulate the development of biodegradable plastic bag production.
In particular, the law prohibits the free distribution of plastic bags (except biodegradable) in retail and food establishments. Plastic bags should only be provided for money. At the same time, retail prices for such bags may not be lower than the minimum prices set by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
It's also mandatory to label biodegradable plastic bags and set penalties for violating these rules.
The document shall enter into force on the day following its publication and shall enter into force six months after the date of its entry, except for certain provisions.
Volodymyr Zelenskyi also stressed the importance of another area of environmental policy, waste management, and remarked that a modern draft law had been developed on this issue.
"Unfortunately, at a time when many countries are already recycling 99% of waste, only six (percent) are recycled in Ukraine. A modern draft law on waste management has been developed to prevent its generation and introduced reuse, waste recycling, and competent disposal," President said.
Earlier, Rubryka reported the Verkhovna Rada had banned the use of plastic bags in Ukraine.
According to the explanatory note to the draft law, the document prohibits the distribution of plastic bags in retail and restaurant facilities up to 50 microns from January 1, 2022.
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