"If there is a desire to hold talks in Warsaw or Krakow, we will be logistically ready. We have a lot of good places for negotiations," he said.
According to Cichocki, this is not a problem if some members of the delegations of the Tripartite Contact Group, who are negotiating in Minsk, cannot fly to EU member states.
"This is not a problem. There were cases when the West and Russia agreed on the possibility of a one-time lifting of visa sanctions," he added.
Cichocki said he did not know whether Warsaw was being considered as a venue for holding TCG talks.
"I do not know whether it is being considered or not. I heard about Warsaw from Leonid Kravchuk's interview in April. He named Warsaw and some other capitals," the diplomat added.
The head of the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG), Leonid Kravchuk, said earlier that negotiations on resolving the situation in eastern Ukraine after the end of COVID-19 quarantine could be moved from Belarus to Poland.
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