Health Minister Viktor Liashko announced this on his Facebook page.
"The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has nominated two deputy ministers. Ihor Kuzin and Petro Yemets, congratulations on joining the team of the Ministry of Health! It won't be easy, but I know together we'll be able to implement everything planned. We're working!" Liashko said.
Speaking about Kuzin, Liashko noted earlier that he had worked with him during the epidemic as acting head of the Center for Public Health.
Kuzin was also appointed Deputy Minister of Health, Chief Sanitary Doctor.
People's Deputy Oleksandr Honcharenko from the European Solidarity party confirmed this information.
"Ihor Kuzin has been appointed Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine," he wrote.
Previously, Ihor Kuzin was Acting Director-General of the Center for Public Health.
He held the position of head from 2019 to 2021 and then became the new deputy head of the Center for Public Health.
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