08:50 31 May 2021

Over 6,000 people have been vaccinated in Ukraine over the past 24 hours

Photo Reuters

6,168 people were vaccinated against COVID-19 on May 30, 2021.

The press service of the Ministry of Health reports.

5,828 people received one dose, 340 people were fully immunized.

During the day, 60 mobile teams carried out vaccination, based on 120 vaccination points.

As of May 31, 2021, 610,168 people had signed up for the COVID-19 vaccination waiting list.

Since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, 1,021,806 people have been vaccinated, of which 1,021,804 have received 1 dose, 125,777 people have been fully immunized and received 2 doses (two of them received one dose abroad).

A total of 1,147,581 vaccinations were performed.


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