Фото: З відкритих джерел
The Office of the President announced this, Rubryka reports.
"President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi welcomes the successful homecoming of 109 Ukrainian citizens who've expressed a wish to leave the Gaza Strip. The plane landed in Kyiv in the morning," the statement said.
Together with Ukrainians, 13 Moldovan citizens and 4 Bulgarian citizens were evacuated.
The humanitarian operation took place in conditions of armed confrontation in the region.
"Ukraine, which is forced to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity from armed aggression and rebuild war-torn territories for the eighth year, as anybody, understands the value of every human life. The safety of people is always a priority for Ukraine. The passport with the blue-yellow flag is a guarantee that the state won't leave its citizen alone with trouble," the statement said.
To organize the evacuation of Ukrainians from the Gaza Strip, the domestic Foreign Ministry and diplomats held a series of difficult negotiations. In close cooperation and coordination, state institutions ensured the safe return of Ukrainians home.
Zelenskyi stressed that Ukrainians could always count on the help of their country, no matter what situation they find themselves in.
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