The website of the Prosecutor General's Office and sources of the UP reports.
The Prosecutor General's Office doesn't name the accused, but according to UP sources, it's Vladislav Poliak.
According to law enforcement officers, it's the first case of prosecution under Art. 364-2 of the Criminal code "Carrying out of voting by the People's Deputy of Ukraine instead of other People's Deputy of Ukraine at the plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine."
The investigation established that in February 2020, during the consideration of amendments to the draft law on the circulation of agricultural land, the People's Deputy repeatedly voted instead of his colleague.
It should be noted that Poliak was informed about the suspicion of button-pressing in February 2021.
The People's Deputy was summoned to the Office of the Prosecutor General for service, but he didn't appear and didn't report the reasons for his absence. Therefore, reports of suspicion were sent to his place of residence, e-mail, and other means of communication known to the prosecution.
According to the law, button-pressing is punishable by a fine of 3,000 to 5,000 non-taxable minimum incomes (51-85 thousand hryvnias).
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